
Lived experience plus Learned experience combined with Life experience do not make me unique but have prepared me for my role helping those with Addictions and Mental Health concerns.

As an Addiction and Mental Health Professional, I recognize that addiction and poor mental health often lead to a degenerative state. Thereby negatively affecting a person's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual condition. The impact of alcohol and substance misuse, and mental health challenges on people and society, have inspired my desire to choose to be aligned with folks who practice evidence-based, spiritually informed approaches.


If one wishes to live authentically which is important to a holistic sense of well-being and encourages contentment, fulfillment, and positive self-esteem; align your actions with your true nature, and core beliefs and by doing so you are more likely to feel confident in your positions and self worth, which leads to feeling empowered to then pursue your passions.

Nuance of Agency

Oftentimes when in quiet contemplation one can manifest unanticipated insight and bestow upon oneself a more nuanced sense of agency; paired with action musings shift from a meditation providing better focus to achieve what might otherwise have previously been considered such a lofty goal so as to be unattainable.

Journeys vs Voyages

According to an ancient Chinese proverb "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Whereas a voyage begins in one port of call and with luck, the grace of God, and a fine ship & crew to help weather squalls, monsters, rocks and low tides, we find our way to a safe harbour, to then reprovision and head out once more in seek of new discoveries that may lead to contentment and perhaps even joy...


A recurring space called "the interviews". and some of my stuff, including some people and firms I have worked creatively with and for.

The Interviews
Session One
The Interviews
Session Two | Coming Soon
The Interviews
Session Three | Coming Soon
Dafydd Rwsel
Story Telling
David James Elliott
Digital Marketing and Consulting
Art? and Stuff...
Digital Art and Writings
Joy Berkson
Digital Marketing
Amanda Kirkland
Jennifer Lynne Kennard
Graphic Design


Life is a voyage, here is a peek at my current and past ports of call..

A Few Thoughts


david russell

"There it is... That Zen moment when the light goes on and a client's eyes light up,
and you know you are doing exactly what you were meant to be doing and you smile."

― david russell,  Thoughts from a session.


Bessel van der Kolk

"Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; ​safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives."
― Bessel van der Kolk,  The Body Keeps The Score


Garth Stein

"That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves."
― Garth Stein,  The Art of Racing in the Rain


Ocean Vuong

"Because the sunset, like survival, exists only on the verge of its own disappearing. To be gorgeous, you must first be seen, but to be seen allows you to be hunted."
― Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous.

"Breathe in, breathe out, repeat and focus." Thank you! My pleasure...


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